C-c-c-cold here right now. Too cold. So cold for so long it feels like the house guest who won't leave, slowly consuming our provisions and wearing out its welcome. Cold collateral count: We've killed 14 mice in 48 hours--apparently they're coming in out of the cold--and snacking on dog food and raw sweet potatoes. And peanut butter on traps. Mmm. I'm thinking of selling pelts...
Also, I'm noticing the cold seems to be wreaking havoc on electronics. Could be coincidence, but my brake light's on in my car when the brake isn't engaged, my IPod broke, the automatic garage door opener is kaput (the spring snapped), the disposal's out...was ist los? Is 2012 coming early?!
Let's not even talk about bike-riding. I think even my toughest cycling buddies are relegated to the indoor trainer and the sweat-fest. I'll settle for 35 degrees. Please. And I thought this Californian had finally become a Colorado boy. Apparently not. Not when it's this cold.
Oh wooooo.... got the trainer set up myself Carl and that is NOT my idea of fun. Running just not happening but I feel JOY when I can jump on the bike and go through the motions.... simple pleasures... The balmy weekend is looking soooo good. Stay toasty and ride like a mad-man on your rollers! It will be over soon. Carol
Ah, a fellow discontent! Yes, keep those pedals turning, Carol, and let's go for that toasty 40 degrees!
man, i know what you mean. it got down to 53 degrees here in berkeley. i had to put on a long-sleeved shirt! brrrrrr!
John, you are mean man. I'll feel sorry for you when you have to change out of your flip-flops.
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